Attention Visitors !!!

Welcome to the manual

Part 1 contains some key concepts which you might want to absorb to develop an entrepreneurial mindset

Part 2 takes you to 11 routes which you can choose to take depending on your initial resources

Part 3 contains specific details about various steps you might want to take during the process of starting your business, but please pick your route in Part 2, as each route will take you to some pages in Part 3 in a specific sequence, please follow the sequence of your specific route.


This book is written to bust various myths around the process of starting a venture, and help potential entrepreneurs to do stuff which matters. Commonly it is believed that it requires a lot of capital and a big fancy idea to ensure success. Entrepreneurs suggest otherwise. 

More than often it is other stuff like your network, experience, even self-awareness which counts more than how much capital or how big is your idea. Further more then process is often believed to be linear, like working out a business plan around a fancy idea, pitching it to a investor or a bank, getting the money, launching, working hard and success ... nothing is further from the truth. 

There is no linear path to have a stable, sustainable and growing venture!!!! 

It takes a lot of experimentation to not just fine tune your proposition (which is never a constant in any case no matter at what stage of your career you are), rather the very process, the external partners, the target audience, the team in fact every aspect of your business model and process goes through a phase of hit and trial, and continuous evolution, even though if you have stabilized your revenue streams. 

Though at a later stage if you are making money the extent of experimentation reduces, however, it never ends, and it should never end, because the world around you is constantly changing. This is manual is written accordingly. 

This manual can be enhanced perpetually. There can be more number of routes, and the routes defined in part 2 may be subjected to revision, and examples added to substantiate them. Likewise Part 3 is also far from exhaustive. A basic structure however is there, which can be further enhanced perpetually with the help of feedback from readers / users. 

So this is more like an open source manual, which needs to grow to become further effective. So please contribute by adding suggestions to improve and fix things, and help this manual grow. 

Another differentiating feature of the manual is the different routes it suggests keeping in view the initial conditions of an entrepreneur. There cannot be a one fix for all, period! 

The route can be dramatically different for some one who do not have an idea, some capital, contact, skills or experience, versus, someone who has all these, or some of these. 

I could work out 11 such routes, but there can be more depending on the initial conditions. So I hope the users will be able to contributing in fine tuning the existing routes, and proposing more of them for others to benefit from ... 

The names of all contributors will be acknowledged and mentioned in every published edition. 

Happy entrepreneuring

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