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Welcome to the manual

Part 1 contains some key concepts which you might want to absorb to develop an entrepreneurial mindset

Part 2 takes you to 11 routes which you can choose to take depending on your initial resources

Part 3 contains specific details about various steps you might want to take during the process of starting your business, but please pick your route in Part 2, as each route will take you to some pages in Part 3 in a specific sequence, please follow the sequence of your specific route.

What Job Oriented Communities can learn from Memon, Delhiwala and Chinioti entrepreneurs?

There are many communities in the country which are not known for their entrepreneurial orientation. Urdu speaking and saraeki communities are known examples. The said communities rather look more toward job opportunities to ensure financial security. For better jobs, higher education is a pre-requisite. So the people in the middle or lower classes in such communities have to look at public educational institutions to seek higher education as few can afford the hefty fees of private educational institutions. Public educational institutions, with limited capacities and politically determined quotas, thus become a source of confrontation in between different ethnic groups in the country. Government jobs are another source of confrontation between ethnic groups.